Empty Nest Marriage | Richard & Linda Eyre | #23

On todays’ episode, Dr. Dave and Dr. Liz welcome Richard and Linda Eyre back on the show to shed some light on grandparenting and how to make your marriage thrive as empty
nesters. Richard and Linda share some powerful tips and tools from their online course and community called grandparenting101.com so that you can prepare now for this exciting phase of life!

0:00 – Introduction: Who are Richard & Linda Eyre?
2:44 – “Gray Divorce” & why the divorce rate has gone down in recent years
4:39 – The dynamics and chemistry of the relationship change when it’s just you two again
6:19 – Creating a new vision statement for your marriage when the kids are gone
7:47 – Being a team as grandparents helps your marriage to thrive
9:28 – The time when the kids are gone may be longer than the time when the kids are there
11:21 – Look forward to empty nesting by planning things to do together; see it as an opportunity to focus on eachother again
13:07 – When couples have joint projects they thrive together
16:50 – Going your separate ways on grandparenting will only create divisions
18:17 – Monthly meeting with your children about how to grandparent their children
20:08 – Using zoom to stay connected & talk about how to support grandchildren
22:03 – Renewing your commitment to each other in this new phase & writing it down
23:13 – What can couples do now to prepare for & strengthen their marriage as empty nesters?
25:32 – Write down things you adore & appreciate about the other person
27:09 – Grandparenting101.com - an online community for grandparents
30:51 – Don’t just be a grandparent, be a grand husband or a grand wife
33:00 – Richard & Linda’s takeaway - live life in the present & remember why you married your spouse

About Richard & Linda Eyre

Richard and Linda Eyre are the parents of nine children and are among the most popular speakers in the world on parenting and families. They've presented in more than 45 countries and are New York Times best selling authors of numerous books on parenting couples and families. The Eyres have been frequent guests on national network shows including Oprah, the Today Show, Primetime Live, 60 minutes, Good Morning America, and once did regular segments on the CBS Early Show. Their parenting website valuesparenting.com provides ideas, guidance and creative programs for families throughout the world, including programs on grandparenting and empty nest parenting.

Richard& Linda Eyre Links


Insights and Invites


Richard: How well your marriage is doing in your senior years is directly related to how proactive you are as a grandparent.
Linda: Sometimes the things that bother you the most about your spouse are the things that you love the most, if you really stop and think about it.
Liz: If we fail to plan then we plan to fail.
Dave: Having both grandparents on board will strengthen their relationship.


  • Start talking about what you want your marriage to look like after the kids are gone. Create a new vision statement and write it down.

  • Grandparents - go to dinner with your children, who are parents, and discuss how you four can work together to support their kids. What do they want your help on? What don’t they? Work as a four person team for the benefit of the kids. 

  • Renew your vows in some way. Recommit to each other in this new stage of life you are in. Write them down and remind yourself of them as you move through this phase of life together.

  • Write down things you adore about your partner and your kids. What are you grateful for about them? What do you appreciate them for?

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