Marriage & Money Matters | Dr. Ashley LeBaron-Black | #46

In this episode of the Stronger Marriage Connection podcast, Dr. Ashley LeBaron-Black tackles the hard conversation “How do I manage money in marriage.” Join us to learn how conversations about money can connect you and your partner rather than pull you apart.

0:00 – Introduction: Who is Ashley Lebaron-Black? 

1:48 – Is the issue really about money?

5:12 – Managing money habits: Family background

7:34 – Working together to manage money

8:45 – Family financial socialization

10:25 – Overcoming discomfort in talking about money

12:00 – Money management matters: Debt, materialism, financial deception, etc.

15: 35 – Joint bank accounts

18:08 – Financial therapy for marriage

19:30 – What makes a stronger marriage connection to Ashley

20:10 – Ashley’s tools and tips

24:50 – How do I bring up money while dating?

36:40 – Takeaways


Ashley: Don’t let your money control you and your marriage; you can control it

Dave: There is no right way to manage money in your marriage, but it is so important to understand where your ideas of money management are coming from. Take some time to understand and communicate that with your partner.

Liz: Talk about money with your partner, be honest.


  • Sit down with your partner this week and develop a monthly budget together.

  • Talk to your spouse about how you want to manage your money together going forward. Should we do a monthly meeting, get a joint bank account, etc.?

  • Read a blog post from Ashley’s website to understand a part of money management you and your partner may not understand.

About Dr. Ashley LeBaron Black:

Dr. Ashley LeBaron-Black is an Assistant Professor of Family Life at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. She received her PhD in Family Studies and Human Development from the University of Arizona. Her research focus is family finance, including finances in couple relationships and financial socialization. Ashley has published over 50 peer-reviewed articles and is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Family and Economic Issues. She is Chair of the Family Financial Wellbeing focus group for the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR).

Ashley LeBaron-Black Link:

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