Simple Ways To Improve Your Marriage | Jeff Forte | #75

In this podcast Jeff Forte will chat about everything from parenting and relationship stress to 10 second hugs and intentionally making the most of every interaction with your spouse or partner.  Jeff Forte is a relationship expert and author of the books, the 90 Minute marriage miracle and be happy forever. Jeff has experienced both a divorce and the death of his second wife.

0:00 – Introduction: Who is Jeff Forte 
2:23—What are the values that society holds in highest regard? 
5:48—Body Count 
7:55—Disadvantaged Children stats and evidence 
11:37—Best give to give is the foundation support of a happy home 
13:35— Is there hope for couples who have hit the wall? 
 16:50—What’s helpful to improve the mood in a home 
19:00— The ulterior motive  
21:43—Ohio State Study on low lever arguments 
23:02—20 second Hug 
25:30—Top three directors of small and simple things 
28:34—Get curious about who your partner is today- be intentional  
33:37— How are we aligned? 
35:49— It doesn't have to change 
38:26— Jeff’s answers to what he thinks is key to a stronger marriage connection 

Insights and Invites


Jeff’s: I hope listeners remember that every interaction with each other is a chance for a fresh start. It’s a chance to improve things between you as a chance to deepen connection is a chance to reconnect to resolve conflicts a chance to apologize every single interaction can be utilized to improve your relations. 

Dave’s: What does my partner need from me right now. Right now, in this moment, what can I do to relieve stress from their life? 

Liz’s: The whole idea about distractions affecting attractions. Even Jeff, as you were so kind to talk about, you know, after the passing of your wife and then trying to date again, and how that distraction was really kind of hurtful to your son. And I, I wish more parents would pause and understand that who are either divorce or were also widows widowers to understand that, well, maybe there is a time and a place and the most important thing right now is the well being of that child. 


  • Take notice of how you can help reduce some of your partner’s stress; like doing the dishes, helping to cook dinner, picking up dinner…. 

  • Be mindful of all the little distractions in your daily life that could be a cause of less attraction; ie: your children seeing you on your phone may prevent them from coming up and talking about something they’d like to share with you.   

  • It’s the simple things that help build a stronger marriage, try to do one simple thing today to show them that you care.  Like write a note, make the bed, start the dishwasher… 

About Jeff Forte:

Jeff Forte, is an Executive Peak Performance Coach, Leadership Expert, Author, and Speaker. He writes about the areas of his life that he's had to improve by overcoming adversity. His ability to relate to the reader comes from his genuine desire to give the reader immediately useful tools, skills, and strategies that they can put to work right away. The ideas you'll read about in his books contain powerful secrets that begin to shift the odds of success quickly in your favor. His work is highly proprietary in nature. He's the creator of The Magenta System for personal transformation, The Magenta Process for emotional wellness, The Rising Love Marriage Repair Process for fixing marriage and divorce prevention, and The Leadership Alliance for creating a transnational shift in global leadership. His clients include Fortune 500 Executives, Professional Athletes, High Tech Visionaries, Emmy Award Winners, Global Leaders, Business Professionals, Couples and Teams.  

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