Sexual Intimacy for High & Low Desire Partners| Jessa Zimmerman | #84
Stronger Marriage Connection, Podcast Dave Schramm Stronger Marriage Connection, Podcast Dave Schramm

Sexual Intimacy for High & Low Desire Partners| Jessa Zimmerman | #84

In this episode of the "Stronger Marriage Connection" podcast, hosts Dave Schramm and Liz Hale are joined by certified sex therapist Jessa Zimmerman. They delve into common sexual issues faced by couples, focusing on sexual desire discrepancies and strategies for maintaining a strong marital connection. Jessa provides invaluable insights into reactive and proactive desires, the sexual avoidance cycle, and the impacts of pressure and expectations on sexual intimacy.

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Keeping Your Marriage Strong | Arlene Pellicane | #83
Stronger Marriage Connection, Podcast Dave Schramm Stronger Marriage Connection, Podcast Dave Schramm

Keeping Your Marriage Strong | Arlene Pellicane | #83

In today’s episode, hosts Liz Hale and Dave Schramm talk with Arlene Pellicane, an author and speaker specializing in marriage and parenting. As the national spokesperson for National Marriage Week, Arlene shares insightful tips for nurturing a strong marital connection. The discussion emphasizes daily connections, weekly date nights, and the significance of prioritizing marriage in today's world.

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