Keeping Your Marriage Strong | Arlene Pellicane | #83
In today’s episode, hosts Liz Hale and Dave Schramm talk with Arlene Pellicane, an author and speaker specializing in marriage and parenting. As the national spokesperson for National Marriage Week, Arlene shares insightful tips for nurturing a strong marital connection. The discussion emphasizes daily connections, weekly date nights, and the significance of prioritizing marriage in today's world.

Responding To Behaviors That Harm Our Relationship | Dr. Dave Schramm
Learn to respond to your partner and spouses behaviors rather than their behaviors and improve your marriage and relationship conneciton.

What Happened To Our Relationship Connection? | Dave & Liz | #12
People are more important than problems. In this week’s episode, Dr. Dave and Dr. Liz dive into the deep end of the relationship pool. Using the metaphor of a swimming pool, they discuss the importance of maintenance and consistently adding cups of connection. They share 8 “D’s of Disconnection” - how to become more aware of these threats to couple connection and how to tackle them with intentionality.

Connection is The First Priority | John Howard | #10
John Howard, talks about his book, More Than Words: The Science of Deepening Love and Connection in Any Relationship, and shares what neuroscience is teaching us about emphasizing connection over communication. With tips for parents and couples, John’s insights help the listener refocus on connection for the benefit of ourselves, our marriages, families, and society. Join us for the conversation and learn how to create a deeper connection in your marriage today.

7 Simple Ways To Build Connection With Your Spouse
Creating better connections is mostly about turning outward instead of thinking of yourself. 93% of our communication is nonverbal, so be aware of HOW you communicate. A simple start to improving your communication begins with Smiling. We all need to feel Safe, Satisfied, and Connected.